Genius IQ: How It Affects You, How to Recognize It, & More
People with genius IQs are highly creative and original thinkers, able to recognize relationships between objects that regular people can’t see.

When we talk about genius IQ, we often think of scientists who have indebted humanity with their discoveries, such as Einstein or Tesla. However, geniuses aren’t as rare as you may think—in fact, even you or someone you know could be intelligent enough to be classified as one.
Considering the number of misconceptions about geniuses, it may be difficult to identify them. Therefore, we’ve delved deeper into this topic and discovered what genius IQ actually is, how it affects one’s life, and how it can be recognized early on.
So, let’s dive in.
Wondering if your IQ is above average? Take the test here!
Take the testKey Takeaways
- Genius IQ in adults and children is any score above 145 received on a standardized IQ test.
- Geniuses usually have a greater chance of success and live longer lives. However, they can also struggle with social isolation and anxiety caused by overthinking.
- Children with genius IQs start reading early, have unusual interests, and are generally more sensitive than other children.
- Research has shown that nature and nurture go hand in hand in producing genius IQ.
What Is IQ?
IQ, short for intelligence quotient, is a score that determines how developed your cognitive abilities are.
It’s derived from a standardized IQ test that measures your processing speed, working memory, deductive and analytical reasoning, and pattern recognition and compares it to your peers. Then, it places your score on a scale ranging from 40 to 160, with an average IQ of 100.
Since Alfred Binet developed the first IQ test, the intelligence quotient has been used as a fairly accurate metric for determining intelligence.
However, it’s far from perfect. IQ measures general intelligence, otherwise known as the g-factor, but doesn’t take into account other types of intelligence. As a result, it can’t determine whether you have high emotional intelligence or excel in any of Gardner’s nine intelligences.
To explore more about IQ and some misconceptions surrounding it, check out our in-depth post on IQ myths.
What Is Considered a Genius IQ?

What Is Considered a Genius IQ?
Genius IQ is usually considered to be any IQ score above 145. Since most standardized tests accurately measure IQ only up to 160, geniuses fall into the 145–160 range. But of course, anyone whose score is thought to be higher would also be a genius.
People with a genius IQ usually learn much quicker than others, rapidly process new information, have excellent working and long-term memory, and like to explore various topics in depth.
Generally speaking, their reasoning abilities and cognitive skills are on a whole new level, even more impressive than those of their gifted peers.
However, it’s important to note that “genius” isn’t an official title recognized on the IQ scale. Rather, it’s a popular name for highly advanced or very gifted individuals.
Here is what the official IQ scale looks like, according to the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale:
Range - Classification
145–160 - Very gifted or highly advanced
130–144 - Gifted or very advanced
120–129 - Superior
110–119 - High average
90–109 - Average
80–89 - Low average
70–79 - Borderline impaired
55–69 - Mildly impaired
40–54 - Moderately impaired
How Genius IQ Impacts Your Life

A kid solving a rubik's cube
Genius IQ impacts your life in generally positive ways, such as improving your chance of success and increasing your life expectancy. However, there are a few downsides to being a genius that affect how you relate to others and yourself.
Here are some more details on the benefits and drawbacks of having a genius IQ.
#1. Greater Chance of Success
For a while now, high IQ has been used to predict professional and academic success. After all, people with high or genius-level IQs tend to be adaptable, creative, excellent problem solvers, and quick at grasping new concepts.
Moreover, a high IQ is often related to risk-taking behavior. That’s not to say geniuses are all reckless; rather, they are more willing to take calculated risks than people with average IQs, who prefer to stick to what they know.
All these traits are often found in highly successful people, regardless of their profession. However, that doesn’t mean a “genius IQ” is a guarantee of success. No matter how high your IQ is, if you’re unwilling to put in the effort, you likely won’t rise much higher than everyone else.
#2. Longer Life Expectancy
The benefits of genius IQ don’t end with success, though. According to several studies, the higher your IQ, the longer your life expectancy, with some research claiming that exceptionally gifted individuals have lower death rates before the age of 79.
Although the link between IQ and life expectancy is obvious, it’s not entirely clear what’s causing it.
Some theories claim people with higher IQs make smarter choices and have better jobs, which allow them to live more carefree lives and avoid stress-related conditions. Others believe that it’s all in the genetic makeup—good genetics responsible for high IQ might also contribute to better health overall.
#3. Social Isolation
Unfortunately, genius IQ doesn’t come only with perks. The image of a lonely and misunderstood genius might not be just a myth—after all, it’s not uncommon for brilliant people to have a hard time connecting with others.
Due to the difficulties in finding like-minded individuals, geniuses often withdraw or become more introverted than they would be otherwise. That can result in isolation and depression, a common mental disorder associated with a high IQ.
#4. Perfectionism
People with genius IQs often have extremely high expectations of themselves and dislike settling for mediocrity. While this can be a positive trait that promotes self-development and growth, it can also take quite a toll on mental health.
After all, what happens when they can’t perform as well as they think they should?
Usually, they end up disappointing themselves, which directly impacts their sense of self-worth. As a result, they may become depressed and struggle to perform to the best of their abilities. And that only pulls them deeper into the vicious cycle.
#5. Overthinking
Due to their tendency to overthink, geniuses often find themselves unable to fully relax. That’s one of the reasons they frequently suffer from anxiety and sleeping disorders, as their minds constantly buzz with thoughts.
For the same reason, some people with genius IQs may have a hard time taking action, ruminating on possibilities over and over again. And when they finally make a decision, it might already be too late.
4 Celebrities With a Genius IQ
Considering that genius IQ is an important predictor of success, people with it are more likely to make significant contributions to humanity. As a result, some of the greatest scientists, inventors, authors, and artists are classified as geniuses.
Below, you will discover four famous people with genius IQs, along with their accomplishments and contributions.
#1. Albert Einstein

Wall art of Albert Einstein who is considered to have a genius IQ
Even though Albert Einstein’s IQ isn’t officially known, experts estimate it at around 160. That would place him squarely in the genius rank, but that’s not very surprising—after all, Einstein is one of the greatest physicists of all time.
Einstein’s theory of relativity, developed between 1905 and 1915, left a permanent mark on science and society as a whole. In fact, its implications were responsible for the beginning of the nuclear age as well as our discovery of black holes.
#2. Stephen Hawking
When speaking of black holes, it’s impossible not to mention Stephen Hawking, the greatest physicist to come after Einstein. Hawking discovered that black holes emit radiation, now known as Hawking radiation.
As Einstein’s direct successor, Hawking also had a genius IQ. In fact, according to estimates, it was just as high as Einstein’s—approximately 160.
#3. Marie Curie
Without Marie Curie, the first woman to win two Nobel Prizes, we likely wouldn’t be using radiation for cancer treatment, nor would our X-rays be as developed as they are. Marie Curie put her life on the line for her research by regularly handling dangerous chemicals, which ultimately led to her death.
According to experts, Marie Curie’s IQ was in the 180–200 range, making her an indisputable genius.
#4. Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla, a famous inventor, potentially had the highest IQ ever, falling somewhere in the range between 160 and 300.
Thanks to Tesla’s inventions, we can efficiently transfer electricity across long distances, and we’ve also been able to develop wireless technology. In many ways, he was far ahead of his time, with an unparalleled visionary mind.
What Is Considered a Genius IQ for a Child?

What Is Considered a Genius IQ for a Child?
The genius IQ for a child is considered to be 145 or above—the same as for adults. In fact, the IQ score chart doesn’t differ by age at all.
After all, IQ is measured by comparing the test taker’s performance to his peers’, meaning that, regardless of age, average IQ is always 100, and genius IQ is always 145+.
That being said, children exhibit unique signs of high IQ that can be spotted quite easily.
Here is how to tell if your child is potentially a genius:
- Early language development. Children with exceptionally high IQs may say their first words as early as six months old. Their vocabulary usually develops much faster, and it’s not uncommon for them to pick up other languages just as quickly.
- Early reading. On average, kids learn to read when they are six or seven years old. However, gifted children start much earlier—some when they are only two. The younger they are when they learn to read, the higher their IQ.
- Unusual interests. If your child prefers solving math tricks or watching world news to cartoons and playing outside, you may have a little genius on your hands.
- Developed emotional sensitivity. Gifted children often experience emotions more intensely than their peers and show sensitivity to the world in ways other children don’t. However, they aren’t skilled at regulating emotions yet, so they may appear more volatile.
Is Genius a Product of Nature or Nurture?
Geniuses are products of both nature and nurture to a certain extent. In fact, many researchers believe that genetics determines a person’s natural IQ potential, which can be developed through the right kind of nurture.
To determine the impact of genetics on IQ, researchers have been carrying out adoption studies and measuring the correlation of intelligence between the child and its biological parents as well as its adoptive parents.
As a rule, the adopted children’s IQ was more closely related to that of their biological parents, although they grew up in adoptive families. That confirmed the role of genetics in forming geniuses once and for all.
However, the environment is still a huge factor in how much IQ will actually develop. Even if a child has genius potential, without proper attention and nurture, that’s unlikely to ever lead to anything. On the other hand, good and consistent education can boost an IQ by at least a few points.
Education isn’t the only way to improve your IQ score, though. In fact, you could receive a slight boost whenever you challenge your brain in a new way.
How to Improve Your IQ Score
Here are a few activities to help you develop your IQ score to its full potential:
- Take free IQ tests. The more IQ tests you take, the better you become at taking them. Not only that, but you also develop your brain’s ability to problem-solve, recognize patterns, analyze, and deduce. As a result, your mind will stay sharp and quick.
- Play a musical instrument. Any activity that requires you to think in ways you’re not used to benefits your brain, and playing an instrument ranks at the very top. Your memory and information processing will drastically improve, along with your IQ score.
- Read books. Reading books improves your verbal-linguistic intelligence, but it also contributes to your general knowledge and introduces you to new schools of thought and viewpoints. Thanks to that, you’re more likely to come up with original ideas, a common signifier of a high IQ.

Take this free test to get accurate results
Discover your IQ score by taking our online IQ test and embark on your self-development journey today!
Start the test nowFinal Thoughts
Having a genius IQ level means that your mind processes information faster and understands connections between objects that other people may not be able to see. As a result, you can live a more successful life if you utilize your intelligence in the right way.
However, being a genius isn’t always a blessing. An incredibly high IQ can make it difficult to relate to others, leading to social isolation and depression. To avoid that, you should put extra effort into nurturing your social life and finding like-minded people, no matter how rare they may be.
Genius IQ FAQ
#1. What is the IQ score of a genius?
The IQ score of a genius is usually higher than 145. People who receive this score on an IQ test belong to the 99.86th percentile, which translates to about 13 individuals in 10,000. In other words, geniuses are fairly rare.
#2. Can IQ be improved?
IQ can be improved through education, reading, taking practice IQ tests, playing chess, or other activities that stimulate the brain. However, even then, the overall score improves only by a few points, so you’re unlikely to become a genius if you weren’t close to being one to begin with.
#3. What is a good IQ score?
A good IQ score is usually considered any score above 115—in other words, a score in the gifted range. That being said, any IQ score is good as long as it doesn’t negatively impact your learning and cognitive abilities.
#4. Is 130 a genius IQ?
An IQ score of 130 isn’t in the genius range, but it is the 98th percentile, which makes people with this score very gifted. In fact, getting 130 on a standardized IQ test can earn you a Mensa membership.
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