How Good the IQ 95 Is & the Best Career Choices to Pick
Learn more about an IQ of 95 and discover how it manifests itself, what it means, and which career paths particularly suit this intelligence.

An IQ of 95 is only five points shy of the true average IQ, but that hardly makes a difference—people with this score have all the intelligence necessary to function normally in society and prosper in most careers.
To help you better understand this intelligence level, we’ve consulted our experts and discovered what it means, how it’s characterized, and whether an IQ of 95 is good or bad.
In this article, we will share our discoveries with you.
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Take the testKey Takeaways
- An IQ of 95 is considered average, which means that people with this score have sufficiently developed cognitive abilities.
- Key traits of people with an IQ of 95 include their curiosity, dynamic personality, and affinity for collaboration.
- People with an IQ of 95 tend to perform well in most regular careers and even succeed in more demanding jobs through effort and hard work.
- An IQ of 95 can often be found among glaziers, truck drivers, and sailors.
The Average IQ: Explained
Although the average IQ is considered to be 100, anyone who has a score in the 85–115 range is said to have normal intelligence. That’s because the majority of the population—68%, to be exact—scores within this range.
The remaining 32% of the population has either high or low IQ, but even in these categories, the majority is concentrated closer to the average range. In other words, the further you go up and down the scale, the fewer people you’ll find.
However, it’s important to note that standardized IQ tests can only accurately measure IQ levels between 40 and 160. That’s because they actually compare your performance to that of your peers, express it in percentiles, and convert those into scores.
Once you cross the upper and lower thresholds, the differences in percentiles become too miniscule for an IQ test to pick them up.
For example, an IQ of 160 is the 99.9968th percentile, while an IQ of 170 would be the 99.9998th percentile. Most IQ tests would simply state that you’ve performed better than 99.99% of your peers for both and conclude that your IQ is 160 or higher.
Stanford-Binet’s Classification
As stated above, the three broad IQ categories are low IQ (40–84), average IQ (85–115), and high IQ (116–160). However, on IQ tests, these categories are often further divided into more descriptive ones.
Since there are numerous available tests, category names and ranges can vary to a degree. However, one of the most commonly used classifications is, without a doubt, Stanford-Binet’s.
Is Your IQ Above Average? Find Out!
If you’re wondering which category you belong to, our professionally designed can help you find out. Using the most advanced psychometric methods, it assesses your working memory, pattern recognition, deductive reasoning, and logical thinking to arrive at an accurate IQ score.
In addition, our IQ test is free, so you can retake it frequently and keep track of your intelligence. This is especially important if you’re actually taking steps to improve your cognition and need motivation to keep going.
What Does the IQ of 95 Mean?

What Does the IQ of 95 Mean?
An IQ of 95 means that your intelligence is average; in fact, you’re only five points away from being truly average.
If we refer to Stanford-Binet’s classification above, we get the exact same answer—landing squarely inside the 90–109 range, an IQ of 95 is average.
In other words, your cognition is as developed as it should be for your age, allowing you to grasp most concepts and perform regular tasks easily. Furthermore, with some extra effort, even understanding complex and highly abstract ideas isn’t entirely out of your reach.
An IQ of 95 corresponds to the 37th percentile, meaning that you’ve performed better than 37% of your peers on an IQ test.
That may not sound particularly encouraging, but it’s not too difficult to develop your intelligence further and cross the 50% threshold, as long as you regularly exercise your cognition.
Key Traits of People With an IQ of 95
Although an IQ of 95 isn’t considered particularly high, it comes with certain characteristics that can more than make up for that and help them succeed in their personal and private lives.
Below, we explore three key traits of people with an IQ of 95.
#1. Collaborative
People with an IQ of 95 are often excellent team players, able to accurately grasp their specific role and prioritize collaboration over their individual success. This is not always the case with those who have higher IQs—they can get too caught up in their own pursuits to remember to put the team first.
As a result of their natural affinity for collaborative work, people with an IQ of 95 tend to be great employees in any field where cooperation is required.
Most importantly, they will gladly help other team members and also ask for assistance when they can’t solve an issue. Once again, the latter can be an issue with higher IQs, as they are more likely to search for solutions on their own.
#2. Inquisitive
Although curiosity is often considered a high-IQ trait, it’s certainly not limited to geniuses. People with an IQ of 95 can also be curious and interested in various topics, always asking questions and seeking answers.
In fact, talking to an individual with an IQ of 95 can be just as fascinating as a conversation with someone whose IQ is higher. People can be educated, knowledgeable, and excellent communicators regardless of their IQ score—these traits are more related to their personality than their intelligence.
#3. Dynamic
Dynamic people are full of life and energy, enthusiastic about new experiences, and always looking for opportunities and challenges to help them grow.
This sort of attitude can often be encountered among people with an IQ of 95, as their cognition is developed enough to enable them to sail smoothly through life but not so much that it makes them feel somewhat alienated from society.
As a result, they may be more likely to adopt and maintain a positive outlook and a dynamic personality, although that’s not always a given.

Take this free test to get accurate results
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Start the test nowTop 3 Best Jobs for People With an IQ of 95
People with an IQ of 95 should do well in most regular jobs since most of society is built for people of average intelligence. Even fields usually associated with high IQ aren’t out of reach as long as they are willing to put in extra effort and continuously improve themselves.
That said, here are three jobs where an IQ of 95 thrives.
#1. Glazier

Glazier - good job for IQ 95
Glaziers are in charge of any glass-related project—they work with mirrors, windows, shower doors, tempered glass, and insulated glass. Typically, their responsibilities include cutting, fitting, installing, and repairing glass in households, offices, and other places that use it.
Working with glass can be quite a delicate job, so a successful glazier needs to be good with their hands, detail-oriented, patient, and careful. Developed visual-spatial intelligence is another huge plus, as people with it tend to handle physical objects better.
Finally, since glaziers work directly with customers, they need excellent communication skills. An essential aspect of their job is consulting with the client to understand exactly what they want, which requires a degree of emotional intelligence.
#2. Truck Driver

Trucks parked at the side of the road
Truck drivers’ main responsibility is to drive from point A to point B to pick up or deliver cargo. That may sound simple enough, but constant driving that can last for days and weeks requires a particular set of skills and traits.
Above all, truck drivers must be good at navigation, as getting lost could impact delivery times and cause significant disruptions. Of course, navigation is fairly simple nowadays, thanks to GPS, but their natural skills might still come in handy.
Furthermore, they must be disciplined, patient, reliable, and adaptable. This last trait is especially important on the road, as conditions can quickly change, and the driver must be able to respond to the new situation adequately.
#3. Sailor

Two people sailing on a boat
Just like truck drivers, sailors need excellent navigation skills to read maps and charts while they’re out on the open sea. Their profession has been made easier by GPS and other navigation systems, too, but they are still required to learn basic seamanship skills.
Since many sailors work on commercial cruise ships, they also need to develop communication skills to help them successfully handle customers and address their potential issues and concerns.
But even if they work for cargo or fishing companies, interpersonal skills always come in handy. After all, it’s very rare for a sailor to work alone—they’re always placed in a team of other sailors.
Final Thoughts
Like most average scores, an IQ of 95 has no particular drawbacks—it enables normal functioning and doesn’t hinder any specific aspect of your life.
Of course, you may struggle with some career paths more than you would with a higher IQ, but with enough dedication, most obstacles can be overcome.
Still, if you’re not happy with your intelligence level, you can always develop it further by training your brain and working on your cognitive skills. can be an excellent tool for just that, especially if you use it to practice regularly.
For more insights, check out our article on the correlation between IQ and success.
Find out what various IQ scores really mean: