Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: Definition, Careers, Activities
Kinesthetic intelligence is one of Gardner’s eight types of IQ and refers to the ability to use the body to solve problems.

What would you say the greatest surgeons and football players have in common? Many people would say nothing, but in fact, they do have one very important biopsychological trait in common—bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
Kinesthetic intelligence is a recognized and accepted concept proposed within the framework of Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Though one of the least explored, it is just as important as any other type of intelligence.
In this article, you’ll find out more about kinesthetic intelligence meaning, kinesthetic intelligence psychology definition, and much more.
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Take the testWhat is Kinesthetic Intelligence?
For a long time, intelligence has been considered an intellectual potential that has much to do with our cognitive function, academic skills, and intellect in general. In 1983, Howard Gardner came up with a then-revolutionary approach and proposed the theory of multiple intelligences.
Gardner’s view of intelligence is a lot more biopsychological than purely intellectual and allows for much more nuance than the traditional IQ definitions. His concept includes eight distinct types of intelligence, and every person possesses all of them, but to varying degrees and in different proportions to one another.
In Gardner’s model, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence refers to our ability to coordinate our minds with our bodies. It represents our capacity to use our bodies and our physical skills to manipulate different objects.
Some examples of kinesthetic intelligence in action are driving, swimming, dancing, playing tennis, or playing the piano.
Obviously, a high IQ score in a traditional IQ test could never explain why someone is a gifted guitarist or exceptional ballet dancer. The traditional psychometric concept of intelligence excludes the body from the equation.
However, the latest scientific discoveries in neuroscience and psychology all point to an intrinsic connection between our minds and bodies. These can actually never be separated.
Understanding all the facets of human intelligence requires a holistic approach that is inclusive in the sense that it doesn’t discount specific skills as less worthy than others.
The Importance of Kinesthetic Intelligence

The Importance of Kinesthetic Intelligence
Every type of intelligence is important in every aspect of our lives. Of course, depending on our preferences, we will use some types more than others.
Kinesthetic intelligence explains physical brilliance, but it includes much more than our physical aptitude. It represents the connections between our bodies and our minds.
The most obvious way we employ our kinesthetic intelligence is through sport. The sport requires us to move and control our bodies in a specific manner while at the same time coordinating with external factors such as the weather, terrain, and other players.
The less obvious ways we use this kind of intelligence refer to our general emotional capabilities. Kinesthetic intelligence supports our overall emotional expression and nonverbal communication.
Moreover, considering the impact of emotions on our physiology and bodies in general, kinesthetic intelligence is important because it can enhance healthy emotional regulation.
Without the ability to deal with stress and different emotional states, no sportsman or surgeon could ever reach the level of mastery necessary for their professions.
Finally, kinesthetic intelligence supports all other intelligences and is particularly beneficial for cognitive development. It is widely known that people who exercise regularly are more mentally agile and achieve better scores on IQ tests.
Characteristics & Traits of Kinesthetic Intelligence
People who have highly developed kinesthetic intelligence can be recognized by certain common characteristics and typical behaviors.
Here’s a list of tell-tale signs that indicate someone is skilled at using their body effectively:
- Fast reflexes: People with this kind of intelligence react promptly and adequately to changes in their environment. That means they will be very resourceful in fast-paced surroundings, as they can easily adapt on the go.
- Bodily coordination: These individuals easily pick up specific movements required for performing certain activities; they will quickly learn to ski, drive, or dance, for example.
- Excellent hand-eye coordination: Both fine and gross motor skills are highly developed in individuals with high kinesthetic intelligence. For that reason, they are great at activities such as knitting, sculpting, and playing sports.
- Physical expression: These people express their emotions using their whole bodies through movements and gestures and have a lot of energy. Hence, they enjoy acting, role-playing, crafting things, and similar kinesthetic intelligence activities.
- Strong gut instinct: They behave in line with their intuition and dislike being told what to do. They often have an innate understanding of how the body should respond in physically demanding situations.
- Physical activity: These individuals need plenty of movement and physical activity. If they are forced to keep still for too long, they may become restless and have trouble concentrating. Sitting at school is very challenging for kids who belong to this type.
- Sense of rhythm: Their movements are generally balanced, graceful, and subtle because they have such good control and coordination of their bodies.
7 Ways to Develop Kinesthetic Intelligence
Kinesthetic intelligence supports the functioning of all other intelligence types, especially by fostering cognitive, social, and emotional development and the ability to retain information. Moreover, it impacts our sense of self-confidence and allows us to face stress more efficiently as it improves all our key psychophysiological capacities.
The separation between the body and the mind is artificial; it is impossible to understand what’s going on in the mind without understanding the body. Therefore, everything we do with our bodies will significantly impact how we feel, think, and function in general.
So, here are some proven ways to improve and develop your kinesthetic intelligence. If you thought sports were the only way to do it, you were wrong!
#1. Take Dance Lessons

A person taking a dance lesson
Even if you thought you couldn’t dance, as soon as you start practicing it regularly, you’ll discover how natural it is to express yourself through dancing.
Dancing stimulates us on many different levels:
- Music enhances mood.
- Learning to coordinate our movements with the music's rhythm supports our bodies' natural rhythms, bringing our physiology into balance.
- Dancing supports our endocrinological homeostasis.
- Interaction with other dancers in the class boosts our social intelligence and spatial perception.
- Through dancing, we become more aware of our bodies and their movements in general.
- It is an excellent choice for people who are not competitive but want to enjoy physical activity.
#2. Engage in Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities and bodily kinesthetic intelligence
Spending time in nature is beneficial in many ways. Apart from feeding naturalistic intelligence, it specifically enhances kinesthetic intelligence, as the way the eye adjusts to the natural light influences our sense of the body and movement coordination.
Any outdoor activity is beneficial as it requires us to adjust to natural conditions and challenges our physical abilities.
#3. Learn Martial Arts

A person training mixed martial arts
Many research papers document the influence of martial arts on building mental strength, emotional intelligence, and psychological resilience. Martial arts training requires the coordination of the whole body and focused attention on the opponent, too.
It is a complex activity that engages all our capacities and requires us to be fully present in the here and now.
As a result, martial arts significantly improve bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, social skills, and self-confidence, further reflecting on every aspect of our lives.
#4. Learn to Play a Musical Instrument

Learning to play a musical instrument can help with bodily kinesthetic intelligence
Music is a great way to rebuild the connection between mind and body. Playing any musical instrument requires hand-eye coordination, finger dexterity, and fine motor skills.
Learning to play stimulates the brain in a way that also supports memory retention and boosts creativity. It is a unique feeling when you create music using your body.
#5. Learn to Draw, Sculpt, or Handcraft

Paints on the desk with paper and a drawing
We can all visualize beautiful images in our minds, but not all of us can reproduce them on paper. That’s because drawing is a complex activity that requires highly developed kinesthetic intelligence. The same goes for sculpting and handcrafting in general.
So, if you think these activities are reserved for talented individuals only, it’s time to change your perspective. Everyone can draw, sculpt, and make things with their hands. It’s a skill that can be learned through practice. Plus, that’s a great way to socialize and challenge your brain!
#6. Play With a Ball

Playing with a ball can help with bodily kinesthetic intelligence
Playing with a ball is a simple yet fun activity you can practice with kids, friends, or by yourself. It improves hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills while engaging all the muscles in your body. You can choose any ball that appeals to you and play freestyle with it, or you can learn to play tennis, basketball, football, or any other sport you find appealing.
#7. VR Video Games

A person looking through a VR headset
These kinds of video games recreate a natural environment and require you to engage your whole body while playing. They boost hand-eye coordination and spatial orientation while also raising awareness of your body's coordination.
Kinesthetic Intelligence Career Options
Many people believe that individuals with high kinesthetic intelligence are limited to a career in sports. However, this typical prejudice isn’t grounded at all, as there are so many interesting career choices and professions that you might have never thought actually required kinesthetic intelligence.
So, here’s a list of the most fulfilling kinesthetic intelligence career options:
- Surgeon. Surgeons need to have exceptional hand-eye coordination, physical endurance, and skills, as well as be resilient to highly stressful circumstances, which are all traits of individuals with high kinesthetic IQ.
- Actor. Actors greatly rely on their memory, bodies, gestures, and movements to recreate the scripts. They are also typically skilled at picking up other people’s traits and gestures, which is exactly how individuals with high kinesthetic IQ learn.
- Athlete. These individuals are often talented in sports; some prefer individual sports, and others excel in team sports. The choice depends on other traits of their character, too. If they are extroverted, they will rather choose team sports, for example. And if they are not so competitive, they might be more inclined to dance.
- Chef. Chefs work with their hands and rely greatly on their memory and sense of smell and taste. Their sensory perception and physical endurance are exceptional.
- Sales representative. Since these individuals like to move and travel, the sales representative job may offer the variety and dynamics they need to feel stimulated.

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Start the test nowPotential Struggles For People With High Kinesthetic Intelligence
The biggest struggle for people with high kinesthetic intelligence is that they can’t stand still for too long. Typical office work feels too limiting for them. They become restless in sedentary jobs and easily feel bored.
Another kind of challenge they often face is the traditional school setting, which doesn’t recognize kinesthetic abilities as part of the academic curriculum. More importantly, kids with a high kinesthetic IQ are often seen as obedient, inattentive, or scattered because their learning style is different, and they can’t stay focused when they are forced to sit still.
Finally, as a result of traditional schooling and collective social standards, in certain cultures, individuals with this kind of intelligence are less valued than people with more typical skills who easily fit into social stereotypes.
Nevertheless, neither of these challenges should discourage individuals with high kinesthetic intelligence from pursuing their dreams in any area of their lives. Only by valuing everything this type of intelligence can offer can a person fully develop their greatest strengths.
No type of intelligence is more valuable than any other type. They are just different.
Key Takeaways
Kinesthetic intelligence supports the body-mind connection and includes a set of abilities that help us navigate successfully in the physical world.
The traits that are characteristic of people with high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are:
- Exceptional physical coordination
- Body awareness
- Excellent hand-eye coordination
- Good spatial perception
- Exceptional fine and gross motor skills
Finally, don’t forget that this type of intelligence acts as a strong support for cognitive development, memory retention, creativity, and teamwork.