Universities ranked by average IQ
The Ivy League is notorious for its rigorous admissions requirements and challenging programs, but are its students really the smartest? Find out how universities rank by average IQ and which is the actual top contender!

Rank | University | Avg IQ |
#1 | Caltech | 145 |
#2 | MIT | 144 |
#3 | Olin College | 143 |
#4 | Rice | 143 |
#5 | Vanderbilt | 143 |
#6 | HMC | 143 |
#7 | JHU | 143 |
#8 | UChicago | 143 |
#9 | Columbia | 143 |
#10 | Northwestern | 143 |
What is IQ & how is it measured?
IQ is a score derived from an IQ test that assesses human intelligence by measuring subsets of cognition, such as working and long-term memory, pattern recognition, abstract thinking, and logical reasoning.
To measure IQ, psychometricians use standardized intelligence tests that compare the test taker’s performance to their peer group’s. That performance is then expressed in percentiles, which are converted into actual scores.
Our IQ test works exactly like a standardized intelligence test, with one crucial difference—it’s free to take. So, if you’re curious about your IQ, our test is the perfect place to start exploring.

IQ score ranges
IQ is typically represented on a scale from 40 to 160, and this scale is then divided into three broad categories:
- Below average (40–85).People in this range may struggle with certain cognitive tasks or even have an intellectual disability.
- Average (85–115).Most of the population scores in this range, which represents normal cognitive development.
- Above average (115–160).People who score in this range have highly developed cognitive abilities, and those with results above 145 are considered geniuses.
How are average IQ by university and success connected?
The connection between IQ and academic success is a strong one, and it goes both ways.
High IQ is one of the most significant predictors of academic success. As a result, most students who enroll in a university with a high average IQ are expected to perform well and complete their education with satisfying results.
Moreover, universities with a high average IQ can contribute to the further development of cognitive abilities. Such institutions foster independent thinking, problem-solving, and self-motivated learning.

Top 5 smartest colleges by IQ
The top 5 colleges ranked by average IQ are the California Institute of Technology, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Olin College of Engineering, Rice University, and Vanderbilt University.
Here is more information about them:
Why university average IQs matter for your career
Universities with higher average IQs typically prepare their students better for their careers by fostering their independence, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving.
In addition, such universities are often more prestigious than others, which automatically stands out on the applicant’s resume. As a result, graduates with a Harvard degree will likely find a good job quicker than those who attended a less-known college.
IndependenceHigh-IQ universities encourage students to organize their schedules and practice self-guided learning, which prepares them for entering the job market and future employment.
Critical thinkingBy encouraging students to ask questions and search for answers, high-IQ universities foster critical thinking that’s useful for almost all careers graduates may pursue.
Creative problem-solvingAn effective problem solver is an invaluable asset to any company, and these students are trained to thoroughly explore different angles and approaches to problem-solving.
Check how you compare to top university students
Take our certified IQ test and find out if your intelligence could get you into Caltech or MIT!