Artificial Intelligence IQ: Is AI Smarter Than Humans?
Discover artificial intelligence’s IQ, learn how quickly it’s developing, and find out whether AI can surpass humans in the foreseeable future.

Ever since AI transitioned from science fiction to reality, artificial intelligence’s IQ has been a hotly debated topic among scientists and enthusiasts alike. In particular, everyone wants to know whether AI could surpass humans and what that would mean.
That same question has piqued our curiosity, so we’ve consulted our experts to find out what the IQ of AI is, how it’s measured, and whether there are any dangers associated with artificial intelligence developing a human-like IQ.
Here is what they told us.
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Take the testKey Takeaways
- The actual IQ level of artificial intelligence can’t be accurately established, though some experiments suggest Bing AI and ChatGPT-4 surpassed the average human IQ.
- Human IQ tests are not the ideal tool for measuring the IQ of artificial intelligence.
- The IQ of artificial intelligence is undoubtedly increasing as the systems become more sophisticated.
What Is the IQ Score of Artificial Intelligence?

The IQ score of artificial intelligence as a whole is impossible to establish—after all, this technology is being developed by various tech companies with different approaches and goals. As a result, some AI technology is more advanced than other kinds.
For instance, ChatGPT, one of the currently most popular AI chatbots, scored better than 99.9% of people on the verbal subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). That percentile translates to an IQ of 155, a score worthy of a genius title.
However, considering that the chatbot has been trained on large amounts of text, it’s not surprising that its linguistic intelligence is as high as it is. But its general intelligence likely isn’t nearly as impressive.
In fact, the clinical psychologist who performed this experiment, Eka Roivainen, determined that ChatGPT couldn’t make simple logical connections to answer questions such as “What’s the name of the father of Sebastian’s children?” In addition, some aspects of intelligence, such as working memory, aren’t testable in an artificial system.
Taking all that into consideration, experts estimate that ChatGPT’s actual current IQ is approximately 83, which places it below average on a human intelligence scale.
AI With the Highest IQ
ChatGPT’s intelligence is impressive for AI, but as it turns out, it might not be the highest. According to some estimates, that title may belong to Bing AI, Microsoft’s AI-powered search engine, which had an IQ score of 137 on the Pernambuco Adult Intelligence Mini-Test.
However, it’s important to note that ChatGPT-4 scores approximately the same on the same test. The free-to-use version of ChatGPT may not be a worthy contender to Bing AI, but the newest one certainly is.
Regardless of which AI is the most intelligent, one thing is certain—the IQ of artificial intelligence keeps growing rapidly and shows no signs of stopping.
Compare Your IQ to the Smartest AI

Our expertly designed uses the most advanced psychometric methods to accurately measure your intelligence and determine which cognitive aspects you excel in and which could use improvement. Give it a try if you want to find out how your IQ ranks compared to the smartest AI chatbots.
If you’re not proud of the result, you can always use our brain games to boost your cognition and improve your problem-solving skills. Since our IQ test is free, you can retake it as many times as you want, which is a form of good practice in its own right.
How Can Artificial Intelligence’s IQ Be Measured?
Artificial intelligence’s IQ has been measured using regular IQ tests designed for humans so far, but that’s likely not the ideal way to quantify it. After all, if exposed to enough tests and typical questions, AI can learn all possible answers to each task and easily ace the IQ test.
But that doesn’t mean AI is really intelligent or that it genuinely has impressive problem-solving capabilities. Like in ChatGPT’s case described above, the same AI that aces an IQ test can easily exhibit major flaws in logic only moments later.
To account for these issues, many experts propose that a separate test be made specifically for artificial intelligence. Those tests wouldn’t allow AI to simply give the correct solutions it learned through training; instead, they would test AI’s actual understanding of a task.
Advancements in AI Technology
The latest advancements in AI technology include the development of multimodal systems, which should essentially replace unimodal systems in the foreseeable future.
So far, unimodal systems have been the staple of AI technology, meaning that artificial intelligence was trained and could process only one type of input. For instance, ChatGPT was designed to handle only text, which was the only data type it could produce for a while.
Similarly, other AI systems are trained to process and produce images, audio, or video content. Regardless, they count as unimodal if they use only one type of data.
However, AI developers have begun training AI to handle several types of data, thus creating multimodal systems. These are considered more efficient and user-friendly, as they can deal with complex real-world data and allow for greater flexibility and wider applications.
This new development can be observed in GPT-4, too—the latest version has become a multimodal system that handles text, images, video, and audio data.
The Importance of Artificial Intelligence

The importance of artificial intelligence lies in its ability to enhance different areas of our everyday lives, reduce workloads, and even save lives. Possibilities with AI are endless, yet we’ve only scratched the surface of what it can do for us.
Here is what AI can help us with specifically:
- Improved healthcare. Artificial intelligence can analyze patients’ health using medical records and other relevant data, as well as predict potential health concerns. As a result, doctors can use it for disease prevention and treatment.
- Increased comfort. Smart technology can personalize your home, office, and other environments and tailor them to your needs. A simple example is AI analyzing your temperature preferences and adjusting your heating accordingly without your input. In the same way, it can memorize your other preferences and routines.
- Higher efficiency. AI can automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflow in a particular company, thus freeing up time for projects that actually matter. In addition, it can generate new ideas, predict outcomes based on various decisions, and significantly minimize the risks involved with running an enterprise.
- Improved accessibility. People with disabilities can greatly benefit from AI-powered assistive technologies that increase the accessibility of their homes, help them communicate, read, and study, or even assist in finding suitable employment.
The Future of Artificial Intelligence
The future of artificial intelligence is bright—the way things are going, it’s only going to keep developing and growing smarter. In fact, that’s happening as we speak, with AI systems that were highly advanced a year ago already being replaced with improved versions.
As artificial intelligence’s IQ grows, it will also become more useful and easier to integrate into various fields, where it will increase efficiency without compromising quality or safety.
In fact, many fields, such as advertising, social media, and engineering, already actively use AI. Still, its use will only become more widespread in the future.
Potential Dangers
But does the rise of AI mean we can expect the doomsday scenario of it taking over the world to come true? Well, probably not. However, there are certain dangers associated with artificial intelligence becoming even more sophisticated and intelligent.
A common concern is that AI will make many jobs obsolete, leaving people without any means to earn their livelihood. And while this is likely to happen to some extent, we shouldn’t forget that AI will probably create many new jobs—ones that we might not be able to imagine just yet.
A more concerning idea is that sophisticated AI technology could fall into the wrong hands or be used for nefarious purposes. For example, deepfake technology, which already exists in several forms, could be used to steal identities, spread disinformation, and commit other fraudulent activities.

Take this free test to get accurate results
Discover your IQ score by taking our online IQ test and embark on your self-development journey today!
Start the test nowFinal Thoughts
As we’ve seen, artificial intelligence is intelligent, and it’s slowly starting to catch up to humans on IQ tests. However, there’s still a long way to go before it can actually compare to us—its cognitive skills are still too limited to allow it to apply logic in the same way we do.
As time goes by, though, that might change. After all, AI has been rapidly developing in the past few years, and it’s difficult to predict where this development will take it.
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