Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Meaning, Examples, and Activities
Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to understand numbers and patterns, think critically, and effectively use deductive reasoning.

Logical-mathematical intelligence is the first type that comes to most people’s minds when the word ‘intelligence’ is mentioned. As the intelligence responsible for understanding and manipulating numbers and patterns, it’s still the most frequently measured type, despite our awareness of other kinds of intelligence.
Still, that doesn’t mean it’s entirely clear what it entails and why it matters. Therefore, we’ll examine logical-mathematical intelligence in more detail in this article and answer all your questions.
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Mathematical equations and logical mathematical intelligence?
Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to identify logical relationships between objects and events, recognize patterns, quickly process numbers, and understand abstract concepts. It’s precisely this intelligence that allows you to categorize, classify, calculate, generalize, and test hypotheses.
As one of Gardner’s nine intelligences, logical-mathematical intelligence was first mentioned in the 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, where Gardner introduced the first seven kinds.
However, unlike musical or bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence was met with little criticism. Psychologists felt that this type of intelligence was less subjective and easier to test, thus being more valid in the eyes of science.
In fact, logical-mathematical intelligence strongly correlates with general intelligence measured by IQ tests. To solve tasks in an IQ test, a test taker must recognize patterns and employ deductive reasoning—two skills particularly developed in people with high logical-mathematical intelligence.
Moreover, logical-mathematical intelligence is highly valued in academic settings and closely linked with success in school. As a result, educators and psychologists had an easier time accepting its existence compared to more abstract types, such as existentialist or naturalistic intelligence.
The Importance of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
As mentioned before, logical-mathematical intelligence helps with academic performance, significantly boosting grades and scores overall. Children with high logical-mathematical intelligence perform especially well in math, programming, and the hard sciences—basically anything that requires structured learning.
But do the benefits of logical-mathematical intelligence end after school? Of course not. In fact, this type of intelligence contributes to your problem-solving skills, making you an invaluable employee at any company as well as a successful individual in other aspects of your life.
In other words, no matter what issue you are facing, you’ll be able to examine it logically, consider its various aspects, understand the core of the problem, and devise a suitable solution.
Additionally, your ability to think in abstract concepts, detect patterns, and understand relationships between objects makes you a perfect candidate for a career in science or innovation. Who knows—you might discover the next big breakthrough theory in math or physics!
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Characteristics

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Characteristics
Contrary to popular belief, logical-mathematical intelligence isn’t only encountered in people who are good at math. In fact, you may not be particularly fond of the subject at all and still score high on logical-mathematical intelligence. So, how do you recognize it, then?
Here are some examples of logical-mathematical intelligence to help you out:
- Abstract thinking. Abstract thinkers don’t need images to understand concepts. Instead, they work with symbols, ideas, and principles and have no trouble gauging the relationships between them.
- Love for numbers and puzzles. Generally speaking, people with high logical-mathematical intelligence enjoy working with numbers and like puzzle games that test their brain power.
- Critical thinking. Logical-mathematical intelligence doesn’t settle for obvious answers—at least not before it tests them. If they don’t pass the mental check, people with this type of intelligence develop their own innovative solutions instead.
- Love for chess. There’s hardly a game better suited for logical-mathematical intelligence than chess. After all, it’s all about patterns, memorization, deduction, and abstract thinking. A feast for the brain!
- Developed deductive reasoning. People with logical-mathematical intelligence often enjoy solving riddles, watching crime shows, or reading detective novels. In fact, they’re likely to figure out the killer way before the reveal, just like real-life Sherlock Holmes!
- Prefer structure. Logical-mathematical thinkers may have a hard time with unstructured, creative subjects and professions where there are no correct answers. Instead, they thrive in structured settings and goal-oriented activities, both in their professional and personal lives.
- Drawn to the hard sciences. Considering their love for structure and logic, it’s unsurprising that most people with high logical-mathematical intelligence gravitate toward math, chemistry, physics, engineering, or programming.
7 Activities to Develop Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Even if you never quite thrived in math in high school, not all hope is lost. With enough effort, you can develop your logical-mathematical intelligence and improve your deduction and problem-solving skills.
In fact, why don’t you try some of the activities for logical-mathematical intelligence we listed below?
#1. Solve Mathematical Problems

A person solving mathematical tasks
If you’re no longer in school, you likely don’t spend your free afternoons solving math problems. After all, why would you? You can just use a calculator on your phone to deal with numbers.
But if you’re hoping to improve your logical-mathematical intelligence, it’s time to dig up your old textbooks and revise what linear equations are all about.
And don’t worry—even if you hated math in school, you might find the activity surprisingly enjoyable now that there’s no pressure. Just remember that you’re doing it for yourself, and no strict teacher will give you a bad grade for arriving at the wrong answer.
#2. Visit Museums

A museum full with art on the walls
Museums encourage research, discussions, and sharing of knowledge, giving you material to think about and improving your understanding of the world.
Aside from that, they provide hubs for like-minded individuals to gather, meet each other, and exchange ideas. As a result, frequent museum trips could do wonders for your general intelligence as well as your interpersonal skills.
When looking to specifically develop your logical-mathematical intelligence, seek museums dedicated to famous scientists and mathematicians. But don’t stop there. Abstract art museums could also be an interesting stop, especially if the featured artist works with patterns and geometric shapes.
#3. Play Chess

Playing chess to develop logical mathematical intelligence
Chess has a beneficial effect on all your cognitive skills, boosting your IQ and improving your reasoning.
However, no type of intelligence gains as much from chess as logical-mathematical intelligence. After all, chess is a game based on pure logic, requiring abstract thinking, deductive reasoning, and excellent problem-solving skills.
As a result, the more you play, the better you will become in all these areas.
#4. Solve Puzzles

Rubik's Cube and connection to logical mathematical intelligence
Similarly to chess, puzzles activate the parts of your brain responsible for using logic and understanding connections between various elements. The more you solve them, the quicker you will become and the higher your logical-mathematical intelligence.
Not to mention, puzzles are fun! You could play around with numerical puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, Rubik’s Cubes, or cryptograms. They are all just an Internet search away, along with thousands of variations that you might find even more stimulating.
#5. Play Brain Games

Brain written on a white background
Puzzles and brain games have much in common, especially if we consider their impact on your cognitive faculties.
However, they aren’t entirely the same. Brain games may include quizzes, spot-the-difference games, memory and attention games, and crosswords. And if you get tired of those, you can try riddles and brain teasers—always an excellent choice to test your wit!
#6. Learn Coding

Coding to increase logical mathematical intelligence
If you have any interest in computers and programming, you could try learning to code. Not only is this skill excellent for developing your logical-mathematical intelligence, but it’s also very practical. If you’re good enough, it could even land you a job.
Now, we’re not saying you should jump on an entirely new life path and get a computer programming degree. Instead, you can look up online courses for those who want to dabble in coding and see how that goes for you.
#7. Write Stories

A person writing a story in a book
When we talk about writing stories, we usually imagine an artist who only writes when inspiration strikes. But in reality, the writing process is far more structured than it seems and requires planning and logical thinking.
So, if you’re looking for a creative activity that also boosts your logical-mathematical intelligence, writing is an excellent choice. In particular, try writing detective stories—they are a lot like designing and solving a puzzle at the same time.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Career Options
People with high logical-mathematical intelligence perform well in most careers, as they are goal-oriented problem solvers with an original way of thinking. Still, they feel more comfortable in jobs that require structure and logic and take advantage of their innate abilities.
Here are career paths that suit high logical-mathematical intelligence:
- Mathematician. Their affinity for numbers and patterns makes people with high logical-mathematical intelligence a natural fit for math-related careers.
- Engineer. Engineering combines math with innovation, problem-solving, and critical thinking—all the skills that people with high logical-mathematical intelligence possess.
- Architect. An architect’s job may be seen as creative, but in reality, it comes down to math, problem-solving, and understanding relationships between various objects.
- Detective. Aside from excellent observational skills, detectives must have impeccable deductive reasoning to determine how the uncovered evidence connects and what it implies. As a result, people with high logical-mathematical intelligence would undoubtedly feel stimulated by this career.
- Programmer. Coding is structured and logical and requires a great deal of inquisitiveness and problem-solving skills, making programming an ideal career for logical-mathematical thinkers.
- Chemist. Logical-mathematical intelligence gravitates towards the hard sciences, and chemistry falls squarely in that category. So, it’s not surprising that many chemists score high precisely in this type of intelligence.
4 Tips for Learners With a Logical-Mathematical Learning Style

4 Tips for Learners With a Logical-Mathematical Learning Style
As mentioned before, children with a logical-mathematical learning style tend to perform well in school, as this intelligence perfectly suits the academic curriculum.
However, that doesn’t mean these learners can’t encounter problems. Like all children, they can also struggle with subjects—even those they should be great at in theory.
So, here are a few methods you may use to help children with a logical-mathematical learning style thrive:
- Use visual materials. Whenever possible, illustrate various concepts with pictures, graphs, charts, and other visual aids. If the school provides students with tablets or computers in class, take advantage of that when teaching.
- Focus on hands-on projects. Instead of presenting and explaining concepts, guide your students to their own answers using tasks and projects. Logical-mathematical learners will find that far more stimulating and memorable.
- Incorporate structured activities. It’s fun to brainstorm ideas and share opinions, but logical-mathematical learners need activities with a specific structure and goal to feel like they are making progress.
- Encourage them to create charts, graphs, and timelines. When dealing with large chunks of information, logical-mathematical learners absorb it best if it’s presented visually. For instance, timelines and family trees do wonders for studying history.

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Start the test nowFamous People With High Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Now that we’ve established what logical-mathematical intelligence is and how it manifests, let’s take a look at some real-life examples of this intelligence in action. The famous people described below are all characterized by high logical-mathematical intelligence.
#1. Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein, one of the greatest physicists of all time, hardly needs an introduction. He was a one-of-a-kind thinker who developed the theory of relativity, significantly shifting our understanding of the world and the laws of physics.
Given his affinity for physics, abstract concepts, and math, it comes as no surprise that Einstein possessed high logical-mathematical intelligence. However, he also excelled in other kinds of intelligence, most notably intrapersonal.
#2. Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton, another famous physicist and mathematician, was clearly gifted with high logical-mathematical intelligence. A key figure in the Enlightenment movement, Newton discovered the basic principles of modern physics, such as gravity and the three laws of motion.
Aside from mathematics and physics, Newton dabbled in other natural sciences, such as astronomy and chemistry. He is also considered a natural philosopher and an inspiration to many scientists who followed, including Einstein.
#3. Bill Gates
Bill Gates is now mostly known as the founder of Microsoft and one of the wealthiest people in the world, but he was originally a talented programmer. At 13, he wrote his first program, clearly exhibiting high logical-mathematical intelligence. His inventiveness and critical thinking shine through in all his endeavors, as well as in his interviews. Check out our article on Bill Gates' IQ if you want to learn more.
#4. Marie Curie
This list would be incomplete without Marie Curie, a physicist and chemist who pioneered research into radioactivity and discovered two chemical elements. She is particularly notable for being the first woman to win the Nobel Prize, as well as the first person to win it twice.
Marie Curie had an excellent memory and showed an interest in science and abstract concepts from an early age. As a woman in the 19th and early 20th century, she didn’t have an easy path as a scientist, but her brilliance and perseverance helped her push through and carve her name in history.
Key Takeaways
High logical-mathematical intelligence is frequently encountered in scientists and mathematicians, although you don’t have to be either to possess it.
In fact, the only requirements are that you are:
- Good at abstract and critical thinking
- Skilled in deductive reasoning
- Drawn to structures, patterns, and numbers
- Interested in puzzles, chess, and hard sciences
And if you don’t rank particularly high in logical-mathematical intelligence, you can always try to develop it. Exercise your brain with tasks that require problem-solving and abstract thinking, and you’ll see an improvement in no time.
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