What Does the IQ 125 Mean & What Are the Factors Affecting It?
Discover what an IQ of 125 means, how it manifests itself, what careers suit it, and which factors affect cognitive development.

An IQ of 125 indicates superior intelligence, which means your cognition is highly developed, allowing you to thrive in most careers and succeed almost regardless of the path you take.
In addition, people with this intelligence level are generally well-adjusted, have little trouble finding like-minded individuals, and enjoy a rich social life.
To help you better understand an IQ of 125, we’ve consulted our experts and found out what this score means, what characterizes it, which factors affect it, and which careers are particularly suitable.
In this article, we will share our findings with you.
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Take the testKey Takeaways
- An IQ of 125 is considered high, as it falls within the 120–129 range, often labeled superior.
- An IQ of 125 is characterized by highly developed reasoning skills, excellent memory, creativity, and great deductive capabilities.
- Famous people with an IQ of 125 are Richard Feynman, George W. Bush, Julia Roberts, and Tom Cruise.
- People with an IQ of 125 perform well in most careers, but they thrive as architects and advertising managers.
What’s Considered a Normal IQ Score?
The normal IQ score is considered to be any result in the 85–115 range because 68% of the population scores on this part of the IQ scale. Scores under 85 are usually classified as low IQ, while those above indicate highly developed intelligence.
Of course, these are very broad categorizations that encompass a vast range of different cognitive skills. For example, an IQ of 120 isn’t the same as an IQ of 140, although both scores belong to the high IQ category.
Therefore, IQ tests usually split these categories into smaller and more descriptive subcategories. The most well-known classification of this kind is the one used by the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale.
Here is what it looks like:
145–160 - Very gifted or highly advanced
130–144 - Gifted or very advanced
120–129 - Superior
110–119 - High average
90–109 - Average
80–89 - Low average
70–79 - Borderline impaired
55–69 - Mildly impaired
40–54 - Moderately impaired
How Is IQ Calculated?
IQ is calculated by comparing your performance on an IQ test to that of your peers. Your performance is then expressed in a percentage, which is transformed into a corresponding IQ score.
So, for example, if you perform better than 75% of your peers, you will be in the 75th percentile. Transformed into a score that equals an IQ of 110—a high average score.
Discover If Your IQ Is Considered Normal
If you’d like to know what IQ category you belong to, take our professionally designed IQtest.net to find out. The test uses the latest psychometric methods to accurately calculate your IQ score and show you which areas of your cognition might need improvement.
Furthermore, our IQ test is free, so you can retake it as often as you want. That can be particularly useful if you’re trying to work on your cognition since the test can act as a tool for training your brain and boosting your IQ.
The Meaning of IQ 125

As you can see in the Stanford-Binet chart, an IQ of 125 belongs to the superior category, meaning that people with this score have highly developed cognition, excellent memory, and great reasoning and deductive skills.
Despite its superior status, an IQ of 125 isn’t considered a genius intelligence level, nor does it qualify you for high-IQ societies such as Mensa.
Still, it’s somewhat of a sweet spot on the IQ scale—you are intelligent enough to be highly successful in most areas of your life, but not so much that you struggle to find like-minded individuals.
An IQ of 125 is in the 95th percentile, which means your performance on an IQ test is better than 95% of your peers—an impressive feat.
So, although it’s hard to say precisely what percentage of the population has this score, we can conclude that an IQ of 125 is fairly rare; however, it’s still common enough that you probably have at least one person with this score in your circle.
Are People With an IQ of 125 Gifted? The Intelligence Spectrum
People with an IQ of 125 are considered gifted, as they fall within the superior spectrum of intelligence. They usually perform better than their peers academically and tend to pursue higher education, including MAs and PhDs.
Of course, people with an IQ of 125 aren’t a monolith—their academic performance and general success vary from person to person. However, characteristics typical of an IQ of 125 increase their likelihood of performing better than average.
Here is what those characteristics entail:
- Creativity. People with high IQs tend to be creative, out-of-the-box thinkers, and those with an IQ of 125 are no exception. They are usually quick to generate new and original ideas and prone to taking an interest in unconventional paths. As a result, they make excellent problem-solvers both in their professional and personal lives. Our article on IQ and creativity can provide more insights on this topic.
- Linguistic intelligence. People with an IQ of 125 are usually articulate and know how to use words effectively to their advantage, whether for self-expression, persuasion, or any other purpose. In addition, they often excel at learning new languages and show great interest in doing so.
- Curiosity. Highly intelligent people need mental stimulation to feed their brains and keep their cognition in top shape; otherwise, their intellectual abilities can stagnate, and they can quickly become bored and detached. Exploring various topics and perspectives helps them avoid that and keeps their mental cogs turning.
- High emotional intelligence. High IQ and developed emotional intelligence usually go hand in hand, despite the popular depiction of geniuses as emotionally detached and cold.
IQ 125: Environment & Genetics

Ever since IQ as a concept came to be, researchers have debated whether it was hereditary or influenced by environmental factors. Numerous studies have been conducted to answer this question, and they’ve all concluded the same: both environment and genetics play a crucial role in determining IQ.
However, genetics may have a slight edge after all. According to most twin studies, approximately 50–80% of a child’s IQ is inherited from parents.
That’s not to say you’ll certainly have an IQ of 125 if your parents do as well. The heritability of intelligence is rather complex, and even if we disregard outside factors that influence it, there are over 1,000 genes associated with it.
In other words, children inherit a percentage of those genes from their parents, but their joint effect may result in cognitive development that greatly differs from the parents.
That’s why average or low IQ parents can have a gifted child and vice versa. Although children’s intelligence level will be similar to their parents for the most part, genes don’t always have a straightforward effect, nor is our science at such a high level yet that we can always understand them.
Other Factors That Affect IQ
Aside from genetics, the environment is crucial in determining a child’s intelligence. More specifically, surroundings, education, and nutrition play the most important roles.
Let’s examine each factor in more detail:
- Surroundings. Children who grow up in environments that support their cognitive development usually have higher IQs than those who don’t. That’s because encouragement and exposure to mentally stimulating environments can do wonders for a child’s brain.
- Education. Proper education teaches children to think, solve problems, and memorize information, which boosts their cognition overall. The impact education has on IQ has been scientifically proven thanks to the so-called Flynn effect, a steady increase in IQ scores since the inception of testing.
- Nutrition. The brain can’t develop and function normally if it doesn’t receive enough nutrients, which is why people from hunger- and poverty-stricken countries tend to perform worse than average on IQ tests.
Is There a Correlation Between IQ 125 and Success?
There is a correlation between success and IQ of 125, but it’s not a straightforward one. Although high IQ is considered one of the most significant predictors of success, it’s not a guarantee, as the very concept of success is difficult to define and may mean different things.
For example, some people may think of themselves as successful when they land a high-paying job, while others prioritize job satisfaction or another factor. Some might not care about careers at all and strive for something entirely different.
That said, people with high IQs do have characteristics that make them more likely to succeed in various spheres of life. For instance, they usually make better decisions, think outside the box, and aren’t averse to taking calculated risks when necessary.
By that logic, people with an IQ of 125 should be pretty successful—after all, they are in the superior category on the intelligence scale.
However, since that’s not always the case, it’s clear that we can’t attribute success only to IQ. Instead, we can conclude that it results from numerous factors—personality, social status, hard work, and luck—working in unison.
Famous People With an IQ of 125
Before we reveal which celebrities have an IQ of 125, a word of warning: most famous people don’t talk publicly about their IQ scores or even mention whether they’ve taken an IQ test. Consequently, we can only rely on expert estimates, which take into account a celebrity’s accomplishments and education.
That said, here are some famous people with an IQ of 125.
#1. Richard Feynman
Richard Feynman, an American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate, is living proof that a genius IQ is not a prerequisite for achieving greatness in science.
In Feynman’s case, we even have confirmation that his IQ is 125—he famously took the test and refused to join Mensa when he received the offer, stating that his IQ was too low.
Yet, his feats and early achievements tell a completely different story. As a child, he enjoyed repairing radios and operated an experimental laboratory from his home. He also developed and installed an alarm system as early as grade school to ensure his home was safe while his parents were out.
Considering his talent, Feynman had no difficulty getting admitted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he majored in physics after switching from mathematics and electrical engineering.
Feynman’s career started with the Manhattan Project before he even earned his graduate degree. Once the project was completed in 1945, he went to Cornell to teach physics.
Years later, in 1965, Feynman received a joint Nobel Prize in physics for his contributions to quantum electrodynamics.
#2. George W. Bush
George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the US, served in office from 2001 to 2009 as a representative of the Republican Party. Perhaps unexpectedly, his term was quite turbulent, considering that the 9/11 terrorist attack occurred the year he was inaugurated.
Although he grew up as the son of the 41st President of the US, George W. Bush wasn’t groomed to become a president himself. In fact, Bush senior was surprised when his firstborn showed interest in politics, eventually becoming the governor of Texas and entering the White House.
Before that, Bush received quite an impressive education, graduating from Yale and obtaining a business degree from Harvard. For a while afterward, he followed in his father’s footsteps and became involved with the oil business before he moved on to politics.
In the end, his war on terrorism and invasion of Iraq—which is still his most contentious act—marked his presidency.
#3. Julia Roberts
American actress Julia Roberts is one of the most prolific actresses in Hollywood, with over 56 films under her belt. In her long career, she has received numerous accolades, including three Golden Globe Awards and an Academy Award.
Julia Roberts was born into a family of actors and playwrights, so it’s hardly surprising that she took the path she did. Although she initially attended Georgia State University, she dropped out and headed to New York to pursue her dreams.
She landed her first television role in 1987 and soon appeared on the big screen in the dramedy Satisfaction. This led to many other roles, including Steel Magnolias, Mystic Pizza, Pretty Woman, Flatliners, My Best Friend’s Wedding, and Notting Hill.
Finally, in 2000, Julia Roberts received an Academy Award for starring in Erin Brockovich. Her career didn’t stop there, though, and she went on to act throughout the 2000s and 2010s, mostly starring in romantic comedies.
To this day, Julia Roberts is a huge name in Hollywood, attracting audiences worldwide and earning millions with each role.
#4. Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise, at one point among the highest-paid actors in the world, has been on the big screen since the early 1980s, having starred in over 52 films and receiving three Golden Globes along with four Academy Award nominations.
When he turned 18, Tom Cruise moved to New York to pursue an acting career. That didn’t quite work out as planned, so he moved to Los Angeles, where he landed his first film roles in Endless Love and Taps. Then, in 1986, he starred in Top Gun, a film that finally launched him into stardom.
Afterward, he played a variety of parts—a Vietnam War veteran in Born on the Fourth of July, a lawyer in The Firm, and a vampire in Interview with the Vampire.
In 1996, he became a famous spy named Ethan Hunt in the first installment of Mission: Impossible, a franchise that’s still ongoing almost three decades later.
Career Paths for People With 125 IQ

People with an IQ of 125 tend to perform well in all careers, regardless of their complexity. In fact, most thrive in positions that offer mental stimulation and make use of their highly developed cognition, as such jobs tend to be more exciting and offer greater potential for growth.
Keeping that in mind, here are some ideal jobs for an IQ of 125:
- Architect. Architects design buildings, houses, and other structures, ensuring the final product is practical and aesthetically pleasing. As a result, architects must have highly developed visual-spatial intelligence, excellent analytical skills, and outstanding attention to detail.
- Advertising manager. Advertising managers are in charge of developing ideas for an ad campaign as well as organizing and directing the rest of the advertising team. Therefore, they must be creative, communicative, organized, and skilled at decision-making.

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Start the test nowFinal Thoughts
With an IQ of 125, you have all the cognitive potential necessary to thrive in any field and live a fulfilling, satisfying life. Most mental tasks don’t pose much of a challenge, as your intelligence is highly developed and able to handle complex and abstract concepts with relative ease.
That said, there’s always room for improvement, especially if you actively train your cognition and focus on mental exercises. IQtest.net can be an excellent resource for just that, as long as you stay consistent with your practice.
Learn more about different IQ levels and their meanings: