Neuroplasticity: Meaning, Types, Benefits, Drawbacks, & More!
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to adapt, grow, and learn by changing its structure and reorganizing its functions.

For a long time, the adult brain was thought to have reached its peak development, unable to change or grow further. However, the exploration of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt, learn, and develop, completely debunked those theories.
To gain a deeper insight into this crucial characteristic of the brain, we’ve reviewed some of the latest research on neuroplasticity, discovering how it works, how it benefits the brain, and what some examples of neuroplasticity are.
Here is what we’ve uncovered.
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- Neuroplasticity is simply defined as the brain’s ability to remain flexible and learn new information from experience, environment, and other external stimuli.
- Neuroplasticity creates new synapses, strengthens the frequently used ones, and eliminates those that don’t serve much purpose.
- There are two types of neuroplasticity: structural, which involves neurogenesis and the creation of new synapses, and functional, which moves functions from damaged areas to undamaged ones.
- Neuroplasticity can be improved through exercise, travel, proper sleep, playing video games, and learning new skills.
What Is Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change in response to new information, experience, or other stimuli by reorganizing its functions and connections. This process allows it to learn, develop, and even recover from damage and injuries.
For a long time, neuroscientists believed that the brain only developed until a certain point in childhood, after which it became fixed and unchangeable. As a result, early childhood was seen as a critical period that largely determined the rest of a person’s life.
However, modern research has shown that the brain is much more adaptable than initially thought. In fact, it can still grow even in adulthood, creating new neural pathways and even physically changing as a result of skill development and learning.
To describe this phenomenon, scientists coined the term “neuroplasticity,” with “neuro” referring to neurons, the fundamental cells in the brain, and “plasticity” describing the brain’s malleability.
How Does Neuroplasticity Work?
Neuroplasticity works by strengthening and weakening neural connections (synapses) in the brain, as well as forming new synapses and encouraging neurogenesis. All these processes occur as a result of your actions, experiences, and changes in your environment and lifestyle.
To really understand how neuroplasticity works, let’s examine its impact both in childhood and adulthood.
In the first few years of life, the brain grows rapidly, creating as many neural connections as possible to encourage quick learning and skill development. As a result, a child goes from having 2,500 synapses per neuron at birth to approximately 15,000 by the age of two or three.
However, an adult doesn’t have nearly as many neural connections—in fact, the average number of synapses in adulthood is approximately 7,000. That’s because of a process called synaptic pruning that eliminates rarely used connections while strengthening all others.
Synaptic pruning is an important aspect of neuroplasticity, occurring primarily in adolescence. Still, the process never stops entirely; even an adult brain often eliminates unnecessary synapses, creates new ones, and strengthens frequently used ones.
As a result, your brain is able to adapt, grow, and learn.
What Are the Types of Neuroplasticity?

Two main types of neuroplasticity are functional and structural neuroplasticity, both of which allow the brain to reorganize itself and adapt to various circumstances. However, their mechanisms differ significantly, and we’ll explore these differences in more detail below.
#1. Functional Neuroplasticity
Functional neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to move certain functions from one area to another. This usually occurs when one region gets damaged, so a different, usually homologous one takes over the impaired functions.
For example, if the right parietal lobe, responsible for visuospatial functions, gets damaged early in life, the left parietal lobe can take over those functions. However, that may result in slightly impaired functions that are normally stored in the left parietal lobe, such as language and mathematics.
The brain’s ability to transfer functions from one region to another decreases with age, and depending on the scope and type of damage, it may not be possible at all. However, this is one of the mechanisms that enables the recovery of function after a stroke or brain injury.
#2. Structural Neuroplasticity
Structural neuroplasticity includes creating new synapses and strengthening the old ones, as well as neurogenesis. In other words, the brain can change its structure as a response to various stimuli.
Basically, when you frequently use a synapse, the presynaptic neuron sends signals to the postsynaptic one, which creates more neurotransmitters in response. As a result, the synapse becomes easier to stimulate, and the connection between the two neurons grows stronger.
As for neurogenesis, it’s frequently observed in the hippocampus, where new neurons make up about a third of all cells. These new neurons are created to replace the dead ones or result from exercise and other stimulating activities.
Neuroplasticity: Key Characteristics
Neuroplasticity is influenced by numerous factors, the most prominent of which are age and environment.
Below, we explore both of those, as well as additional limitations that may impact your brain’s adaptability.
#1. Age
Although the adult brain is not fixed like scientists once thought, there’s no doubt that age plays a role in how plastic your brain is. For instance, children’s brains exhibit high levels of plasticity, while this trait declines somewhat with age.
That’s because a child’s brain is still developing and adopting new knowledge, thoughts, and behaviors. As a result, new synapses are constantly being created, allowing children to quickly absorb information and pick up skills.
On the other hand, the adult brain is more stable. New synapses can still be created, but since adults aren’t exposed to new experiences nearly as often as children, that doesn’t occur as frequently.
Similarly, it’s far more challenging to eliminate negative thinking patterns or get rid of bad habits since the synapses responsible for those have been reinforced numerous times.
#2. Environment
The brain enjoys stimulation and thrives in environments that challenge it, as is evident from the fact that environmental factors are among the largest determinants of IQ, second only to genetics.
Aside from IQ, stimulating environments also boost neuroplasticity by creating new synapses in response to challenges and tasks at hand. A good example of this would be an exciting, fast-paced job that requires you to adapt, problem-solve, and think outside the box.
On the other hand, if your routine is exactly the same day after day, your brain won’t get a chance to develop new neural connections. Instead, it will stagnate, losing some of its plasticity in the process.
#3. Limitations
Although the brain has a remarkable ability to heal and retain many of its functions even after damage, this capacity is not infinite. If certain key areas of the brain responsible for cognition, motor skills, or speech get injured, other regions may be unable to compensate for them. As a result, those functions might be impaired or lost.
Moreover, the area of the brain that compensates for damaged regions must take over new functions in addition to its regular ones. Consequently, its regular functions may be impacted as well, leading to decreased overall performance.
Neuroplasticity & the Benefits It Has on the Brain

Neuroplasticity has numerous benefits for the brain, making it more adaptable to the environment and encouraging its constant growth and development.
Here is why neuroplasticity is important and some of the more specific ways in which it positively affects your brain:
- Learning new skills. Neuroplasticity and learning are tightly intertwined—every time you pick up a new skill, your brain forms new synapses, rewiring and modifying your brain. In other words, without neuroplasticity, you wouldn’t be able to learn, memorize, or develop as a person.
- Aiding recovery after damage or injury. Patients who suffered strokes or brain injuries can recover some of their abilities precisely thanks to neuroplasticity. The brain transfers some of the functions to new areas or finds alternative ways to compensate for lost functionality, demonstrating its incredible adaptability.
- Increased resilience. Adaptability goes hand in hand with resilience, as it allows your brain to overcome challenges and threats by adapting and quickly responding to new stimuli, be they injury, stress, danger, or heightened emotional states.
- Overcoming mental disorders. Negative thought patterns prevalent in anxiety, depression, and OCD can be unlearned thanks to neuroplasticity. Of course, that takes time, patience, and consistent effort, but it is possible to train your brain to adopt new, positive ways of thinking.
- Adopting new ways of thinking and behaving. Even people who don’t suffer from mental disorders can occasionally benefit from changing their attitudes and behaviors. Neuroplasticity is why you can grow as a person and learn how to adequately respond to various situations.
The Drawbacks of Neuroplasticity
Although neuroplasticity is generally perceived as positive, it’s not always beneficial. In fact, the brain’s constantly learning nature can cause it to adopt negative behaviors, thoughts, and habits as well as reinforce existing ones.
To put it simply, the brain doesn’t make a difference between positive and negative input—it simply strengthens the frequently used synapses.
So, for example, if you often play guitar, you’ll become better at it because the corresponding synapses for motor responses and auditory processing will strengthen. In a similar vein, negative thoughts about your self-worth create and stimulate neural pathways that support this kind of thinking.
As a result, you become more prone to negative thoughts, which, once again, only breed new ones. This sort of vicious cycle can lead to anxiety, depression, and obsessive behavior or worsen the conditions you already have.
And this doesn’t apply only to mental health, either. Neuroplasticity is also responsible for forming bad habits or adopting unhelpful behaviors and addictions. However, that same neuroplasticity can help you break out of these harmful patterns as long as you can reverse it and use it for your benefit.
Neuroplasticity: Research and Recent Findings
The first mention of neuroplasticity dates back to 1890, when American psychologist William James wrote The Principles of Psychology, where he proposed that the brain’s function wasn’t fixed in adulthood.
However, it wasn’t until the 1960s that psychology recognized neuroplasticity as a real phenomenon. Before that, due to insufficient research and the inability to observe brain activity the way we can today, scientists largely believed the brain was unchangeable.
Nowadays, we don’t just know that the brain exhibits impressive plasticity; we're also coming to understand its mechanisms better.
A recent MIT study on adult mice uncovered large numbers of so-called silent synapses in the brain, thought to play a crucial role in neuroplasticity in adulthood.
Silent synapses are inactive neural connections that lack signaling proteins and are characteristic of early brain development. Up until recently, scientists believed these synapses didn’t persist in adulthood.
However, it turns out that they do, and they can be recruited to store new knowledge, memories, and experiences. That explains how the brain can learn without erasing previously stored knowledge, as well as how it retains its plasticity regardless of age.

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Ways to increase neuroplasticity include learning new things, getting sufficient sleep, exercising, traveling, and playing video games.
Below, we will explore each of these methods in more depth.
#1. Learn New Things

To remain adaptable and flexible, your brain needs constant positive stimulation through learning or exposure to new challenges. Otherwise, it can easily stagnate and lose some of its innate plasticity.
Learning is particularly important in childhood and adolescence when the brain is still developing and is, therefore, very malleable. However, it shouldn’t be neglected in adulthood either—the more you keep your brain busy, the less likely you are to experience cognitive decline with age.
So, it’s a good idea to consider what interests you and try to increase your knowledge of that particular topic. Picking up a new skill is an excellent option, too; for instance, you could learn a new language, play an instrument, cook, or create art.
#2. Get Proper Rest

It’s no secret that sleep allows your brain to recuperate, consolidate your memories, and remove tissue waste and dead neurons that accumulate during the day. In other words, the brain can only reach its full potential if it consistently gets enough sleep.
Furthermore, research has shown that sleep is crucial for boosting neuroplasticity. In particular, non-REM sleep, also known as deep sleep, promotes cognitive flexibility and improves your ability to take in new information.
On the other hand, REM sleep, the period of dreaming and increased brain activity, stabilizes new learning and reinforces it to ensure it’s not erased. That’s why studying right before bed can be beneficial for memorizing the material.
Check out our post on IQ and Sleep if you're curious about how they are connected!
#3. Exercise

The benefits of exercise can’t be stressed enough: it keeps you healthy, improves your mental health, and stimulates your cognition. In other words, if you want to enhance both your body and your brain, hit the gym!
But if you’re specifically interested in exercises to improve neuroplasticity, going for a jog might be a better idea. Cardio workouts stimulate neurogenesis in the hippocampal regions, which are related to memory and thinking.
As the hippocampus grows, so does your ability to take in new information, learn, and form new neural pathways. At the same time, age-related cognitive decline decreases, and the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia becomes significantly lower.
#4. Travel

As mentioned before, your brain needs stimulation to grow; routine can lead to stagnation and dulled cognition. And what can be a better break from routine than traveling?
After all, traveling exposes you to new environments, cultures, and languages, broadening your horizons and introducing you to people from various backgrounds. All these new experiences promote the development of new neural pathways in your brain, which allow you to think more creatively and flexibly.
If you can’t travel to another country, even visiting a new city or countryside can benefit neuroplasticity. As long as it’s exposed to new surroundings, your brain will be stimulated regardless.
#5. Play Video Games

The risks and benefits of video games have been causing heated debates for years, but recent research has proven that gaming isn’t a waste of time as originally thought. In fact, it can boost cognition, motor skills, and reaction time, as well as improve neuroplasticity.
Basically, when you play video games, you must think creatively to figure out how to complete a level. Your decision-making skills come into play, too, especially when playing choice-based games.
Most importantly, video games teach you to recover from failure and look for alternative solutions when the ones you tried don’t work. As a result, your brain learns to handle setbacks and develops backup strategies when facing real-life problems.
Final Thoughts
The brain is a fascinating organ, and neuroplasticity is yet another proof of that. Its ability to reorganize itself to encourage learning and compensate for the loss of function is nothing short of incredible and has important implications for medicine and psychotherapy.
However, there’s still much to learn about its mechanisms and capabilities. Extensive research on neuroplasticity has started fairly recently, so we can expect further discoveries to shed more light on this phenomenon in the coming years.
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